It’s all getting better for Anne. So why is “panacea” a bad word?

drparkRecharge Biomedical


For today’s #TestimonialTuesday, I’ll share an excerpt of an email from 64-yo Anne.  It is possible that because she was influencing all her stem cells’ with telomerase activation, there were changes in all organ systems. We don’t know if her improvements are related without future clinical trials, but she certainly attributes them to the use of her TA-65:


My arthritis has gone by 90%, I am more positive, look healthier, have a better appetite and digestion, more stamina, LPa has dropped 500 points, B12 is normal, iron levels normal, Bilirubin now normal.  After 40 years of abnormal readings.

-Anne N. (New Zealand)




For and understanding of what the liver is and what it does, see PODCAST 10: “Hepatitis”

Liver function

To learn about digestion and constipation, see PODCAST 45: “Constipation”

PODCAST 45: Constipation

To learn about arthritis and inflammation, which may be associated with LPA, watch PODCAST 30: “Arthritis”

PODCAST 30: Arthritis

And to learn about what causes depression, watch PODCAST 19: “Depression”

PODCAST 19: Depression

Of course, this is just one case. You may wonder, how do other TA-65 users feel?

Well, if you are using TA-65,  please take this survey and you can then view the results from other users!!

* The password to take the survey is “ta-65″.

NOTE: we will delete surveys unless we can verify that respondents are actual TA-65 users by email and client records.