A study from Tulane (from a $2.4 Million dollar grant) suggests that family instability and violence is associated with shorter telomeres. As I mentioned in my blog, this is akin to proving that Ginsu knives can cut all kinds of things. Here is a similar study in African-American boys.
Visionary Mike Fossel MD, PhD explains why aging is a choice
For today’s #WesbinarWednesday, I’m going to let my friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Fossel, do the heavy lifting. He gives this wonderful 20-minute TED-like talk about why aging is a logical and reversible condition. Enjoy!
What is the hidden message in the movie “Cocoon”?
For some odd reason, I meet a lot of people these days who claim to have had near-death experiences that have transformed their consciousness. Once they feel you aren’t going to laugh at them, their stories are remarkably similar and the convergence of myth, spirituality, and what is normally considered “pseudo-science” is intriguing. You may say that “like attracts like” … Read More
“So doc, am I forty years younger… or just $500 poorer?”
For today’s #ScienceSunday, I am going to have to discuss a murky subject brought on by the recent telomere results of my patients which arguably showed massive improvements in telomere length without commensurate increases in biological age. Here is the email I received:
Cholesterol is not the root problem – it is cellular aging!
For today’s #WebinarWednesday, I want to share a video I did about cholesterol. It seems that the meme questioning the wisdom of statins is spreading amongst mainstream medicine, which is great. Find out why “Lucy and Ethel” in the chocolate factory explains what is happening with the cholesterol levels.
Thriving after breast cancer
Just yesterday, I was speaking with my patient who remarked that her 88 year old husband and she hadn’t gotten the usual colds for years since starting TA-65. If what we think about immune senescence being at the heart of aging, then it is encouraging that so many patients taking a telomerase activator report decreased severity and frequency of colds … Read More
Will increased longevity will improve human nature?
“…the very vulgar proposition is that you cannot change human nature is valid only on the assumption that you cannot change the duration of human life. If you can change that, then you can change political conduct.”
Harvard 25th College reunion – Is the Hero’s journey fractal?
So there it is. I guess everything is a reunion depending on what scale you examine. Maybe “source consciousness” as the new age philosophers call it, wants to experience itself through our lives before returning to itself. I’m not particularly spiritual or religious, but when patterns arise, they deserve mentioning. Hope you have a great week.
Know your history, dudes! Abe Lincoln did something far more heroic (and badass) than just ‘freeing the slaves’
If TA-65 had been discovered in the 19th century, President Lincoln would now be turning 205 years old, tweeting like a boss from his yacht staffed by models recruited from the KGB and the Mossad and using his personal brand as a consultant helping to rehabilitate Governor Chris Christie’s run for the presidency.
What is a year in our telomeres? (part 3 of 3)
I learned today that in 9 months, my January 2014 average leukocyte length decreased 500 base pairs but the Percentage of critically-shortened ones improved from 11.9% to 10.2%.