For Mother’s Day, let us consider the repercussions of negligible senescence. When I explain increased healthy longevity, most people bring up a fear of overpopulation; in fact, all real world evidence suggests that it would have the opposite effect: underpopulation. Why do people procreate in the first place? The metaphysical purpose of procreation is to avoid annihilation in time. (this … Read More
How Ben Franklin helped create the Kentucky Derby
I like to study interesting and pivotal real people and if the spirit moves me, I write a screenplay about them. Briefly, Robert Alexander Sr. was a 19-yo Scottish disciple of Ben Franklin who in 1786 followed him to America. He bought a farm in the wilderness of Kentucky. At the age of 52, in 1819, a son was born … Read More
The largest lynching in US history was in Los Angeles – and it wasn’t against blacks
With today’s mobs worried about competing with undocumented workers or sending jobs to Asia, it is important to realize that fear of competition among the working poor has long been a staple of American politics. When the business owners used cheaper “coolie” labor, instead of being angry at the people doing the hiring, the working poor took it out on … Read More
The greatest diaspora: The Jews of Alexandria – 415 C.E.
I spent a year of my life researching and writing a screenplay about the life of Hellenic philosopher, Hypatia, which won a Houston Film Festival screenwriting award. You can download here. There is a bit of artistic license but the characters and events are very true to the actual events of the time. I believe this woman and this time … Read More
Ted Cruz hears his trigger word and pulls the ripcord
I shouted out, “who killed the Kennedys?” when after all, it was you and me. -“Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones” For many who watch the puppet show known as the mainstream media at face value, things took a turn for the bizarre yesterday as Trump locked up the nomination due to Cruz abruptly dropping his candidacy. The … Read More
How to engineer immortality – the short course
I have found that in giving people telomerase activators, they don’t phenotypically get dramatically younger although in terms of telomere length, they usually do. This begs the question, why not? Much of this may have to do with epigenetics, but we will ignore that part for now. I believe that the main problem could be that your DNA integrity degrades … Read More
Sanders/Trump – same coin; Clinton/Cruz- same bird
“You say you want a revolution? Well, we all want to change the world.” Today is International Worker’s Day remembrance of the Haymarket “Affiar” So let’s talk about election politics and class warfare, shall we? I saw a Facebook post from an someone who was livid about this article suggesting that liberals might be torn between the lesser of … Read More
1999 and the dopeist movie scene- ever…
They say two thousand zero zero it’s party over – out of time So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s nineteen ninety-nine My own sister (the lawyer), trying to coax my own mother to doing something important but difficult asked rhetorically last week: “mom, you’re 78-years-old. Imagine you had cancer – would you still want to do this?” I realize … Read More
Why I don’t want to try telomerase gene therapy
So it turns out that today is #nationalsuperheroday so I thought I would revisit this Liz Parrish telomerase gene therapy story. She states that in September of 2015, she took gene therapy to introduce supernormal numbers of copies of telomerase and follistatin into her genome. There has been a lot of buzz around this and there are three linked stories … Read More
RIP Prince Rogers Nelson
We may never know the details of how Prince lived or what brought about his untimely demise. Every time a celebrity like Prince or Michael Jackson dies, there is a tie to insomnia. It seems that the substances that are needed to get up and down for performances and deal with the lifestyle lead to sleep dysfunction. Some reports have … Read More