Become a Lokahi Guru online affiliate and do well – as you also do some good

drparkRecharge Biomedical


Thank you to our sales affiliates who helped us to refine our automated systems. We have already paid out thousands of dollars in affiliate sales commissions and that was before our official relaunch of the website.

We now have great news for everyone else!


The Lokahi Guru website is now up and fully operational!

Now, anybody who wants to introduce friends to my amazing adaptogenic supplement, RECHARGE™, can also make some money doing it.


When you go to, anyone can now easily sign up to be an affiliate.

It is now possible to also download instructions for patients on customized letterhead, and to also print your own brochures and cards:


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After signing up, you will enjoy being able to monitor your sales, which will likely all be monthly and recurring, because customers save $30 a bottle by subscribing.

Because many folks will want to take the full dose of 4 capsules nightly as I do, which amounts to ordering four bottles of 30 capsules per month, that would mean $100 of sales commission for each of those folks that you refer…every month!


I recommend you try a single bottle, see how great you sleep, feel, and look from day one.  After that, you’ll want to tell four friends. If they sign up for a bottle-a-month, then your subscription is paid for and you have helped to improve their lives.  Think especially of people you know with a lot of stress or who are poor sleepers.

Also, if your friends end up becoming huge affiliates or distributors through your link (not mine, which is shown above), then you will also reap a 5% commission on their sales.  Every sale has two-tiers only (the affiliate and who referred them) so it’s not a huge pyramid with “down-lines” and all that multi-level marketing jazz.

Everything is transparent and you will see the names and emails of those who bought from your affiliate link by logging onto your dashboard. It looks like this:



Still confused?  Let DS, our newest affiliate, who called to leave this unsolicited phone message, explain it to you:



DS phone call


So why don’t you take advantage of this win-win-win opportunity and improve the lives of those in your circles?  If they are in a better mood, that can only be good for you, right?